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Say the word, your wish is my command

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Say the word, your wish is my command Empty Say the word, your wish is my command

Post by lostfanboy Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:40 am

Izuku Midoriya
Love pays no mind to desolation...
Izuku does not get drunk very often.

He's never really had many occasions to throughout his life. He'll drink a little bit at festivals or things like that, but his mom was usually with him when he went, and he had no reason nor encouragement to drink more than it took to enjoy the warming effects of mead or ale on cold days. However, ever since the day Izuku got himself trapped in the cursed castle of a nearly-forgotten prince, everything in his life has been quite cleanly turned upside down.

The staff here are a rowdy bunch. Izuku realized that quickly. It seemed quite at odds with their prince's standoffish and quiet nature, and though that feeling never abated, Izuku could now see the way the little group fit together. The way the bombastic servants made room for the quieter Shoto, offered him ins and outs and everything in between. And Izuku has gotten the privilege of watching Shoto slowly, but surely, take those ins.

And it did really feel like a privilege, to watch Shoto open up bit by bit. To watch the castle flourish in response. What was once dreary, dark, and overgrown was gradually growing progressively brighter and warmer. The chill that permeated Izuku down to his bones his first nights here has lifted somewhat, enough that he can feel warm when he snuggles into enough blankets, warmer still if he's stuck close to the occupants of this strange place he's found himself settled into. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina have radiated warmth from the moment Izuku met them. Each a different type,  but welcoming all the same. What was delightful to learn was that for however cold he initially seemed upon first meeting, Shoto had his own warmth too. Izuku found himself fond most of all of the gentle fire burning in Shoto's heart, found himself delighting anytime he could catch sight of its embers.

But such sappy thoughts were probably brought on by drink and sleepiness. Or at least, that's what Izuku could tell himself, despite knowing full well it was a lie.

Calls for celebration seemed to happen more and more often recently; the group of them seemed delighted to find, to have any excuse for revelry. And though often overwhelmed by the enthusiasm, Izuku still participated with his own delight palpable. Especially on occasions, like today, where Shoto actually joined them. Quiet, observant, endearingly awkward and uncertain when dragged into conversation or game, but there. Smiling, even. It was lovely.

And that loveliness is probably what contributed to Izuku's current state, lowering his inabititions. Well, that, and the encouragement from Kirishima and Kaminari probably didn't help. In general, Izuku was relaxed, eager to get his mind off of still-lingering worries, and happy, so he drank more than he meant to. Maybe a lot more.

What he doesn't expect is for Shoto himself to be the one to guide Izuku, stumbling and bleary eyed, back to his room. Shoto's arm wound around his shoulders is warm and steady, a contrast to the spinning hallways and flickering lights, and Izuku leans heavily on his side even as he sways. He giggles, mumbles under his breath, and half-responds to the things Shoto says to him without really being able to keep track of any of the things he's saying. The ale they had was tasty, and Izuku feels warm and content.

"Oh, we're here. Wow!" He proclaims when he lifts his gaze and recognizes his bedroom. It's become gradually more his as opposed to a guest bedroom he simply sleeps in, books borrowed from Shoto's library scattered about and herbs gathered from the garden drying in the window. His bed is a mess of blankets he flops bodily back into when Shoto gently lowers him down. Izuku stays still for all of a moment before the buzzing under his skin inspires him to move again, lurching upwards once more.

Shoto was moving, to do what, Izuku isn't quite sure, but it hardly matters. Izuku stares at him intently for a moment before his face breaks out into a blinding smile, and he reaches up to sink his fingers into the warm spotted fur on Shoto's cheeks, something he's wanted to do for a good long while. "Shhhhotoooo." He hums out, bodily tilting to the side as he smiles blearily up at him. "S it okay to call you that, y're highn'ss? I like your name. Have I told you that before? Is... is a good name. Good name for...for good man. You're soft. Did you know your soft? Soft soft... I like your face too. Good face." Izuku smiles brightly up at him, and scratches gently around those cheeks and under Shoto's chin, instinctively following the motions Shoto makes as he reacts to the touch.
...It flows like a river through the soul.
Alchemist • BatB AU • He/Him • 137A53
Credits: coding - xaandiir | image 1 | image 2 | image 3 | image 4 | image 5 | image 6


Posts : 26
Join date : 2024-06-27

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